
Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.

Hand turning dial labeled ROI.

The Short and Long-Term ROI of Marketing

In the enVisioning Success podcast episode, Spending Money Wisely to Grow Your Business, co-hosts Laura and Julia talk about making business investments and monitoring their success. Marketing is such an investment, with short and long-term

Flat design of user on tablet using Pay Per Click advertising.

Are You Spending Too Much on Ads (or Too Little)?

In the enVisioning Success podcast episode, Cutting Costs and Getting Rid of Waste, co-hosts Laura and Julia provide anecdotes and advice on assessing costs and stepping back from just throwing money at the problem. This

Neon graphic of spaghetti on fork against blue brick background.

Avoiding Spaghetti Marketing in Your Business Strategy

One of the marketing pitfalls discussed in the enVisioning Success podcast episode, The Benefits of Partnering with a Marketing Agency, is spaghetti marketing. Co-hosts Laura and Julia have many years of experience consulting with businesses

Hands shield "belief" written in wooden blocks from several "facts" written in wooden blocks as a representation of confirmation bias.

Dealing with Confirmation Bias in Marketing & Advertising

Data-driven marketing and advertising is vital to ensure your time, effort, and money spent has the biggest impact. But is your data wrong? Are your marketing strategies based on false assumptions and bias? In our

Laptop screen display Facebook Ads Manager

How to Avoid Meta Ad Rejections

If your business runs advertisements on Facebook or Instagram, more often than not, your ads probably get approved without any issues and run at their scheduled times. But have you ever had an ad get

Graphic of laptop with megaphone coming outward; thumbs up icons symbolizing likes float in the air.

What’s the Difference Between Marketing and Advertising?

For those outside of the industry, marketing and advertising may seem like—and are often used as—interchangeable terms. While the two concepts are closely related, they aren’t the same thing. And in order for your business

Graphic conceptualizing marketing strategies and different types of media

Paid, Owned, and Earned Media: What’s the Difference?

Prior to developing strategic marketing for any business or organization, there are several things to consider. When our agency is working with new clients, we identify their target audiences, their specific business goals, and the

A Procrastinator’s Guide to Last-Minute Holiday Marketing

The holiday season is rapidly approaching, and for the first time in three years, this one is expected to be without significant COVID-19 restrictions in place. While 2020 holiday marketing was heavily digital out of