Marketing Strategy

Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.

Businesswoman holding green flag and suitcase, looking up at a mountain.

3 Green Flags When Finding a Marketing Agency

It’s easy to talk about all the things you don’t want in an outsourced marketing agency—lack of communication, bad quality content, poor ROI—but what about the opposite? Today we’re looking at the green flags to

Marketing Services icons, include analytics, website design, and social media.

Working with a Marketing Agency: Products vs. Services

If you’re in the market for a marketing agency to help with your business, you’ll find a wide range of prices and promises. Today, we will look at marketing companies that provide nicely packaged “products”

Marketing analytics and datapoints show on multiple devices.

Reviewing and Making Strategic Changes with Marketing Analytics

Marketing—good, strategic marketing—usually takes a while to show results. Search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and reputation management all have long timelines, and even quick-returning ads need refinement for the best ROI. Not only

Team of marketers meet at a conference table to discuss marketing strategy.

3 Signs You Need to Invest in Strategic Marketing

You know you have to do marketing for your business, and you’ve probably done marketing in the past, but if it feels like your marketing isn’t delivering results, it’s probably because the marketing isn’t fitting

Two marketers analyze a client's information as part of a marketing plan.

What Should I Look for in a Marketing Plan?

Whether you’re working with an internal marketing department or an outside marketing agency, the first step to any major marketing push should be a marketing plan. As discussed by enVisioning Success co-hosts Julia and Laura

Individuals produce blogs and videos in front of a giant laptop as an example of expertise marketing.

Education as a Form of Expertise Marketing

Do you like to provide education to potential customers and the community at large when it comes to your business? You can also turn that into great marketing! In the enVisioning Success podcast episode, Fostering

Wooden building blocks on office desk with hand tilting block so both SQL and MQL can be read.

Focus on Marketing Qualified Leads or Sales Qualified Leads?

No one likes to hear “no,” especially if you work in sales. On the enVisioning Success podcast episode, The Power of “No:” Navigating Rejection and Refocusing Efforts, co-hosts Laura and Julia express the frustration of

Marketers, Salespeople, and business owners optimizing a long sales cycle funnel with marketing.

The Types of Marketing Needed for Long Sales Cycles

Not every business has immediate sales. With no product or service with an immediate download or delivery, they rely on long sales cycles of their salespeople reaching out, establishing relationships, having multiple meetings, and going

Sales and marketing teams in a meeting with a presentation.

4 Steps for Marketing and Sales Team Collaboration Success

The effectiveness of your sales and marketing teams is increased if they work together—marketers can better line up leads for the sales team, and salespeople can better dial in target markets. But what if you’re

Customer feedback and service being used for online analytics.

Getting Customer Feedback to Improve Your Marketing

How do you tell if your marketing is working? While tracking conversions and sales leads can take you so far, it’s important to hear from customers directly about what is and isn’t working when it