
Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.

Julia Becker Collins conducting a webinar for the Center for Women and Enterprise

CWE Webinar: How Servant Leadership Saved My Company

Once you have employees, your business changes. Leadership isn’t defined by what you lead, but by how you lead. Who do you put first at your business? Yourself? Your team? Your customers? There are no

Julia and Catrina of Vision Advertising on Laptops Hosting Webinar

CWE Webinar Series: Advertising on Facebook and Instagram

Social media advertising can be a great way to highlight your business on that platform and direct excited customers (and potential customers) to your products or services. But between understanding terminology, setting targeting and ad

A cellphone with earbuds sitting atop a laptop keyboard with the TikTok app displayed on the screen.

What is TikTok, and Is It Good for Selling?

As business owners, we tend to market only on platforms we feel comfortable with. When new social media trends arise, it can feel like you’re losing ground when it comes to marketing. However, all social

A picture of a person holding a phone that is unable to access Facebook, with a string of Facebook down stories in the background.

Business Bootcamp: Marketing When Social Media is Down

At the beginning of October, someone over at Facebook spilled their morning coffee on the ethernet cable, shutting down all their major services for six hours. Well, that’s not exactly how it went, but an

The closed caption logo displayed in Instagram's token color gradient.

How to Add Captions to Your Instagram Videos

With roughly a billion active users, businesses are jumping at the opportunity to develop immersive brand storytelling through video. Instagram Stories, Reels, and in-feed videos are great for providing engaging and dynamic insights that increase

A group of people sitting on a bench using their cellphones, representing new social media trends

Business Bootcamp: Tracking New Social Media Trends

Social media trends have the benefit of being quickly adopted. With quarantine contributing to consumers’ internet usage, these trends have caught fire even quicker than before. This rapid evolution in the field has presented businesses