Business Leadership

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Julia Becker Collins conducting a webinar for the Center for Women and Enterprise

CWE Webinar: How Servant Leadership Saved My Company

Once you have employees, your business changes. Leadership isn’t defined by what you lead, but by how you lead. Who do you put first at your business? Yourself? Your team? Your customers? There are no

Julia Becker Collins in her home office.

In the News: How servant leadership keeps companies together

This article originally appeared in the Worcester Business Journal on February 22nd, 2021. Once you have employees, your business changes. Leadership isn’t defined by what you lead, but how you lead. Who do you put

Julia Becker Collins works with two Vision staffers on a laptop.

How Servant Leadership Keeps Companies Together

Once you have employees, your business changes. Leadership isn’t defined by that you lead, but how you lead. Who do you put first at your business? Yourself? Your team? Your customers? There are no right