Client Testimonials

Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.

Finger pressing "Due Diligence" button on keyboard.

Needed Due Diligence Before Marketing Outsourcing

Your company has a marketing problem. You’ve been hard at work figuring out your needs and your options for satisfying them—including looking at internal hires and workloads—and decided to hire an outside marketing agency. Great!

Customer feedback and service being used for online analytics.

Getting Customer Feedback to Improve Your Marketing

How do you tell if your marketing is working? While tracking conversions and sales leads can take you so far, it’s important to hear from customers directly about what is and isn’t working when it

"Client Testimonials" written on a notepad on top of a pick desk cluttered with notebooks.

Applying Testimonials to Your Business’s Marketing Strategy

Long past are the days where a customer’s referral only extended to their immediate social circle. The internet has immortalized our opinions, fully in view of customers researching your business. However, beyond Amazon, Yelp, and