Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.

A microphone on a stage with a fuzzy backdrop of an auditorium set up for a seminar

When Can I Return to In-Person Marketing?

Remember free samples of artisan jams at the grocery store? Do you miss the days of winning over clients by hosting compelling seminars? Engaging in these in-person marketing activities seems a lifetime ago. With the

A sign on top of a table next to a plant that reads "Face Mask Required"

How to Notify Your Clients of Your Ongoing Mask Policy

With Massachusetts rescinding the mask mandate for all industries – except for health care facilities and public transit – businesses no longer have to enforce face coverings. However, COVID-19 remains a very real threat, and

Julia Becker Collins in her home office.

In the News: How servant leadership keeps companies together

This article originally appeared in the Worcester Business Journal on February 22nd, 2021. Once you have employees, your business changes. Leadership isn’t defined by what you lead, but how you lead. Who do you put

An overhead shot of a person sitting cross-legged with a laptop on their laptop in a video conference. A coffee mug, notepad, box, and cellphone rest on the floor beside her.

Reimagining Company Culture During and After COVID-19

The pandemic has challenged the conventional definition of company culture. Since quarantine began, business owners have struggled to determine the new role of the office and bypass the hurdles of remote collaboration. Discovering this new

A still image of Laura DiBenedetto giving the Pivoting Plans in COVID-19 webinar on a computer tablet.

Pivoting Plans in COVID-19 Webinar: Learning to Adapt

COVID-19 blanketed the country at blinding speed, leaving many businesses paralyzed by the ensuing dissonance and economic collapse. Some companies quickly shifted gears to adjust to the changes, while some are still struggling to make

Exhausted businesswoman having a headache at her office.

Why Stopping Marketing Now Will Hurt You Later

When you close down your business during a long-term emergency, should you close it all down? As COVID-19 continues to flare up and a recession looms, this is the question companies need to ask themselves.

A card reading "Do's and Don'ts" clothe-pinned to a string.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Marketing During a Crisis

It’s challenging to find ways to market yourself in times of crisis. A look-at-me approach can leave a bad taste in the mouths of consumers during a global pandemic or times of unrest. But you