Email Marketing

Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.

Person typing on keyboard with images of email icons floating above, represending newsletters or emails.

Setting Up a Company Newsletter for Retention Marketing

Out of all forms of marketing, retention marketing is often the most overlooked. Many businesses will continue to focus their time, money, and branding on tracking down new customers, sometimes to the detriment and even

Matching Your Business with Your Email Marketing Platform II

Match Your Business with Email Marketing Platforms II

In part I of this blog, we discussed what functions of email marketing are the most important to you and your business. In this blog, we’ll give a rundown on two email marketing platforms that

Businessperson using desktop pc to send out email campaigns.

Match Your Business with Email Marketing Platforms I

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to sell your services, share your message, and build a relationship with your customers on their time and in a place where they frequently visit: their

User receiving emails on their phone.

How to Use Email Marketing for Customer Retention

Without question, email marketing is one of the best ways to turn one-time shoppers into long-term customers. It’s a way for you to target your audience, stay connected with them, and build brand loyalty in