Marketing Analytics

Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.

A magnifying glass hovering over a page of statistics

Cutting Ineffective Marketing Strategies

Still clinging to that TikTok page or ad campaign that’s as effective as a leaky bucket? Let’s face it… if it hasn’t gained any traction from your avatar by now, it’s probably won’t. You’re not

Hand turning dial labeled ROI.

The Short and Long-Term ROI of Marketing

In the enVisioning Success podcast episode, Spending Money Wisely to Grow Your Business, co-hosts Laura and Julia talk about making business investments and monitoring their success. Marketing is such an investment, with short and long-term

Flat design of user on tablet using Pay Per Click advertising.

Are You Spending Too Much on Ads (or Too Little)?

In the enVisioning Success podcast episode, Cutting Costs and Getting Rid of Waste, co-hosts Laura and Julia provide anecdotes and advice on assessing costs and stepping back from just throwing money at the problem. This

Marketing analytics and datapoints show on multiple devices.

Reviewing and Making Strategic Changes with Marketing Analytics

Marketing—good, strategic marketing—usually takes a while to show results. Search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and reputation management all have long timelines, and even quick-returning ads need refinement for the best ROI. Not only

Marketer looking at computer screen with content marketing and customer journey icons.

The Marketing Analytics Behind Your Customer Journey

For those not deep in marketing lingo, the term “customer journey” sounds like a pretty soft concept. While most business owners are familiar with the idea of a sales funnel, the customer map takes it

Hands shield "belief" written in wooden blocks from several "facts" written in wooden blocks as a representation of confirmation bias.

Dealing with Confirmation Bias in Marketing & Advertising

Data-driven marketing and advertising is vital to ensure your time, effort, and money spent has the biggest impact. But is your data wrong? Are your marketing strategies based on false assumptions and bias? In our