The High Cost of Marketing Mistakes
Marketing mistakes aren’t just a minor setback — they can be a major drain on your business. Whether it’s wasting time, damaging your reputation, or facing legal trouble, the risks of marketing missteps are real,
Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.
Marketing mistakes aren’t just a minor setback — they can be a major drain on your business. Whether it’s wasting time, damaging your reputation, or facing legal trouble, the risks of marketing missteps are real,
When a negative review pops up about your business, what’s your first reaction? If it’s to run and hide or reach for the pitchfork, you might be damaging your business’s reputation. There’s a better way.
Not every business has immediate sales. With no product or service with an immediate download or delivery, they rely on long sales cycles of their salespeople reaching out, establishing relationships, having multiple meetings, and going
A website you haven’t updated in years, a partially filled-out social media profile, and no one knows who managed your Google Business listing: sound familiar? If you’ve got a well-established business but a poorly established
Building a business from the ground up isn’t easy, and it’s easy to overlook a marketing department on your way to the top. But once you hit a plateau, that missing component might be holding
A few technical difficulties aside, Communications Manager Catrina Gardner and Marketing Specialist Dominique Goyette-Connerty had a great time walking viewers through the reasons and reasoning behind the need to respond to negative customer reviews in
Rebranding is one of those things that looks great on paper but can quickly spiral out of control, especially in the current world of large digital footprints for even the smallest companies. Mistakes can quickly
There’s a (relatively new) saying that “the internet never forgets.” While this is proving problematic for the most recent generation of adults as they get confronted with the stupid things they did on the internet
No one likes hearing negative things about their company, especially in the form of reviews on highly trafficked sites. It can be as easy to ignore them as not to search for them in the
While the end of the pandemic is in sight, a new crisis is bound to rear its head in the future. If there’s one thing COVID has taught businesses, it’s that despite your preparedness, no
We’ve all seen a news article about someone who lost their job after they tweeted something. Or a company that went into PR mode after something that was said by a staff member was attributed
This article originally appeared in the Worcester Business Journal on October 28th, 2019. Today more than ever, the reputation of a business is linked to what people say about it online. Yelp to Facebook reviews,