Social Media Marketing

Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.

Woman's hands typing on a laptop keyboard in subdued lighting.

What Should Be My Employee Policy for Social Media?

We’ve all seen a news article about someone who lost their job after they tweeted something. Or a company that went into PR mode after something that was said by a staff member was attributed

10 Common Mistakes of Social Media Marketing

A business has to pour a lot of resources into social media marketing, so it can be really frustrating when it doesn’t pay off. But it’s important to realize it’s not the social media platform

Woman taking notes at computer watching webinar about social media strategy

Social Media 101 Webinar: Reaching Clients Online

Social media has long since matured from a digital hangout for younger generations. Nowadays, social media can be used as a tool to convey your brand identity, direct traffic to your website, and generate sales.

Collection of awards and collateral from 40 Under Forty program.

Why Awards are an Important Part of Your Marketing

Every business and every employee within like to be recognized for their greatness. For some, it’s something that drives us; for others, it’s simply an appreciated side-product of their hard work. Regardless, for a business,

Branding Your Company’s Leadership on Social Media

Your business’s social media marketing should start with your business brand, but not end with it. The personal Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram accounts of your company’s leaders should augment your business’s social media presence.

Office desktop with pamphlet open to Online Advertising surrounded by keyboard, phone, and other office supplies.

Online Advertising: A Marketing Agency’s Perspective

Ever since the Cambridge Analytica scandal, people have grown more aware of the sheer volume of private data that platforms from Google to Facebook share to their ad creators and sell to third parties. This,

Closeup of Worcester Business Journal article featuring Julia Becker Collins.

In The News: Four times marketing can save your business

This article originally appeared in the Worcester Business Journal on April 29th, 2019. Every business needs advice, especially for matters outside its expertise. We’ve been helping clients for 20 years, and we’ve seen businesses thrive

A pencil with eraser is correcting mistake.

Marketing Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Being in the marketing industry for 19 years, we have seen our fair share of marketing mistakes. Have you ever looked at a company’s social media post and thought, “who signed off on this?” Marketing

Man with laptop targeting a bullseye with a dart.

B2B Social Media: Branding and Business Targeting

Social media is a great way for companies to interact with and influence their customers. Retail, restaurant, and tech companies in particular can find these platforms a great way to reach thousands of their customers