Targeting Customers

Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.

Businessmen and businesswoman searching using magnifying glasses and binoculars.

Are You Marketing to the Right Clients?

In our podcast episode, Risks and Rewards of Business Diversification, Julia and Laura discussed business diversification, both organically by evolving your company and quickly through the use of mergers and acquisitions. An important aspect of

Man with laptop targeting a bullseye with a dart.

B2B Social Media: Branding and Business Targeting

Social media is a great way for companies to interact with and influence their customers. Retail, restaurant, and tech companies in particular can find these platforms a great way to reach thousands of their customers

Groups of different client profiles with some highlighted.

Identifying Your Ideal Client Profiles

In one of our recent blogs, Industry Facing vs Client Facing: Picking the Right Voice, we talked about picking the right voice for your clients. While we briefly touched on identifying these clients, we also