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"SEO" written in notebook with arrows pointing to the words, "Ranking," "Backlinks," "Traffic," "Keywords," "Optimization," and "Search." A smaller notepad is on the left where the long form of SEO is written out, "Search Engine Optimization." The notebooks are on a desk with paperclips, pencils, a pair of glasses, a crumpled up piece of paper, and a house plant.

Overhauling Your SEO (Part 2 of 2): Content Re-Creation

Once you’ve determined the sources of your website’s issues, it’s time to overhaul your SEO before the problems proliferate. You want to apply measures that will boost your rankings on search engines. Fortunately, there are

SEO written on a Post-It note with a magnifying glass and crumpled up Post-It notes surrounding it on top of a wooden table

Overhauling Your SEO (Part 1 of 2): Uncovering the Issues

Just because your website looks professional from a design standpoint doesn’t mean it’s effective at drawing traffic behind the scenes. Organic traffic and conversions are some of the biggest indicators of a successful website, but