Marketing Strategy

Dive into Vision’s Blog for top-notch marketing and advertising insights. Discover practical tips, industry trends, and strategic advice to elevate your business.

Hand turning dial labeled ROI.

The Short and Long-Term ROI of Marketing

In the enVisioning Success podcast episode, Spending Money Wisely to Grow Your Business, co-hosts Laura and Julia talk about making business investments and monitoring their success. Marketing is such an investment, with short and long-term

Marketing analytics and datapoints show on multiple devices.

Reviewing and Making Strategic Changes with Marketing Analytics

Marketing—good, strategic marketing—usually takes a while to show results. Search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and reputation management all have long timelines, and even quick-returning ads need refinement for the best ROI. Not only

Team of marketers meet at a conference table to discuss marketing strategy.

3 Signs You Need to Invest in Strategic Marketing

You know you have to do marketing for your business, and you’ve probably done marketing in the past, but if it feels like your marketing isn’t delivering results, it’s probably because the marketing isn’t fitting

Two marketers analyze a client's information as part of a marketing plan.

What Should I Look for in a Marketing Plan?

Whether you’re working with an internal marketing department or an outside marketing agency, the first step to any major marketing push should be a marketing plan. As discussed by enVisioning Success co-hosts Julia and Laura

The logo of the enVisioning Success podcast, a rocket on a cloud.

enVisioning Success: Our Marketing & Business Podcast

We’re proud to announce the launch of our new business podcast: enVisioning Success! This podcast with two of our execs at Vision is all about making smarter decisions for your entrepreneurial journey, from established businesses

Vision Advertising COO Julia Becker Collins

In the News: Julia Becker Collins on Starting a Business

Last week, Julia Becker Collins was in the news as part of a panel of experts quoted by the Massachusetts Business Network (MBN) in their article “6 Experts Share Advice for Starting a Business.” These

Graphic of laptop with megaphone coming outward; thumbs up icons symbolizing likes float in the air.

What’s the Difference Between Marketing and Advertising?

For those outside of the industry, marketing and advertising may seem like—and are often used as—interchangeable terms. While the two concepts are closely related, they aren’t the same thing. And in order for your business

Graphic conceptualizing marketing strategies and different types of media

Paid, Owned, and Earned Media: What’s the Difference?

Prior to developing strategic marketing for any business or organization, there are several things to consider. When our agency is working with new clients, we identify their target audiences, their specific business goals, and the

A Procrastinator’s Guide to Last-Minute Holiday Marketing

The holiday season is rapidly approaching, and for the first time in three years, this one is expected to be without significant COVID-19 restrictions in place. While 2020 holiday marketing was heavily digital out of

A picture of Vision COO Julia Becker Collins presenting a Business Bootcamp webinar on the screen of alaptop on top of a desk, where someone is taking notes in a notebook

Binge-Worthy Marketing Webinars: Vision’s Business Bootcamps

Looking to build upon your marketing prowess but don’t have the budget to spend on consultations or classes? Then we hope you’ve been taking advantage of Vision’s free webinar series: Business Bootcamps! At Vision, we’re